Is It Our Roots or Our Foundation?

As I have not felt that I should be leading our Womens Life Group this time around I thought I should (for my readers) let you know that for a season there won’t be Bible Study notes on here from our group.  I do plan on sharing however some of the things God has me studying personally.  And since I love to dig, and I love to have discussion of others input and challenges, this blog will serve that purpose for a time.  My hubby is such an encourager to me and for me and I love that I have his blessing and nudging to follow where the Lord leads. In case I don’t say it often enough honey, thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.

Some of these next few posts will be our journey together, some will be his and some will be just mine.  The whole point is we are still growing, still learning, still questioning and still trusting the Lord in all things.  Together we are searching for the answer to our questions even though we may not be together as often as we’d wish.  His job keeps him from home more frequently than we would desire, but we have learned marriage takes three and because of that we can do this.

Our spiritual journey has taken us many places over the last 3 or 4 years.  We’ve left more than one church or fellowship group in that time for various reasons.  Not a normal thing for us as we believe in fellowship and commitment, we believe in accountability not just to our Lord and Savior but to others in the body of Christ, and we believe that as a body we are one and should stand as one.  For those of you that know us looking at our life in this period of time, you wouldn’t think that would you?

With all that is called Christian today or done in the name of Christianity today I often wonder why we are where we are in our walk.  I am so unsure sometimes of our next step, whether to take a right or left turn or stay straight, if we should speak or not speak, you know all those questions that plague each of us at times.  And in the midst of all of this (I love that phrase “in the midst”) God just keeps dumping stuff in our laps to peruse, to dig into, and to absorb.  There is no other explanation for it because neither my husband or I (well maybe I would) sought this direction.  And yet to me it certainly all makes some semblance of sense.  That has been a blessing in itself these last few years.

What is she talking about you are all asking!  Well, the short answer is figuring out the answer to the question that is the title of this post.  The long answer is stay tuned as we discover for ourselves what the answer to the question that is the title of this post may be for us. And please note I said FOR US.

It all started with a teaching I happened to hear from a Hebrew Roots teacher.  I know, I know!  Needless to say, a couple of things he said sparked something inside.  And I couldn’t shake it.  I had my hubby listen (I always try to keep him up to date with what I am listening to or studying).  We unfortunately don’t get the normal married couples time to study and listen together so we always share what we are doing or hearing individually in order to keep each other on track.

As you know by now I always look up definitions.  Here is the common denominator in the words root and foundation.

The word root:

1 a : the usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates usually from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support,

The word foundation:

2 : a basis (as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported

4 : an underlying base or support; especially : the whole masonry substructure of a building
5 a : a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid

So stated in a structured sentence: the root functions as an organ of absorption and the root is used as a means of anchorage and support. The foundation is the basis upon which something stands or is supported.  The foundation is the body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid.

Not too long ago I did a post (What is Your Foundation?) over on the Concert of Prayer blog.  The point of that post was to be sure of your foundation, however, something nagged at me that there was something more that I should be understanding.  I know how important our foundation is yet these two words: root and foundation are haunting me. Is there a difference?

Through prayer and searching the Scriptures I hope to come to a better understanding of why these two words are so haunting.